Yoga Beek
for Body ~ Language ~ Vitality

“Yoga is a light, which, once lit, will never dim. The better the practice, the brighter the flame.” ~ B.K.S. Iyengar

About me
My name is Elisabeth, Margaretha, Maria Dols-De Rooij. I was born and raised in the city of Beek, a small town in the south of the Netherlands. As of the age of 21, I have been searching for freedom in faraway countries, while all this time the freedom that I was looking for existed in my own body, in my heart, my mind and in my soul. I started practicing Hatha Yoga in 2010. The choice to start this inward journey has brought me more than I could have imagined. Balance, health, and exceptional happiness. I believe that everyone deserves this.

Based on my own experience, and working as a communication specialist and yoga teacher I know that you can reach your full potential by communicating clearly and practicing yoga on a daily basis. The ultimate goal of yoga is realizing your divine soul.

Yoga Beek follows the yoga sutras according to Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. The Iyengar family from Puna, India, has inspired me. ‘Iyengar Yoga’ focusses on precision, alignment, classical asanas (postures challenging both the mind and the physic) and the use of props, where the body is used as the most significant prop.
’Yoga Beek’ is part of E.M.M Dols Yoga ~ Communication ~ Realization