“I can activate, instruct, inspire, assist and correct my students, but I can not motivate them. Motivation comes from within". ~ Elisabeth Dols-De Rooij
I wish to work with motivated people.
I started Yoga Beek because I desire to create a school for body linguistics in relation to yoga practice. Yoga Beek provides classes for all ages.
My personal motto:
“Take responsibility for your own health and happiness, communicate openly, and let your body language be in sync with your words. Don’t be too proud to ask for help, ask many questions, and respect your personal space. Realize your little dreams first. Subsequently, the bigger ones will follow. Look at the world upside down and then return to the world upright and in continued wonderment.”

The studio has an intimate setting and focuses on individual attention to each student's unique needs. The foundation for each yoga class is cultivating your own personal strength and paying attention to those parts that need work. However, the process of yoga is personal. Ultimately, everyone is responsible for their own personal transformation and growth. In short, intrinsic motivation is vital in the practice of yoga.
‘Yoga Beek’ is a yoga studio located in the heart of Beek. Yoga Beek is inspired by B.K.S. Iyengar, Geeta Iyengar, Melanie Tillema (Yoga Maastricht), Berber Schönholzer and Rita Keller. The Iyengar family has devoted their lives to yoga as an art of living and science. I feel fortunate to be able to benefit from this knowledge daily. I am beyond grateful for the Iyengar family and all the yoga teachers I have been honored to practice with along my journey.