Terms and conditions - Yoga Beek - eng

Yoga Beek
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Yoga Beek
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Payment terms and conditions for Yoga Beek programs are as follows:

Upon registration, you are committing to the full 10 week program.

The membership gives you access to participation in one class a week during the dates stated on the registration form.

Course fees are non-refundable and once you have signed up it is not possible to cancel your spot since capacity is limited (6 participants) and we reserve your spot.
Classes that you cancel due to vacation, sickness, or other reasons are non-refundable.

The course fee is payable in full in the first week of the starting day of the course or program. Unless you pay the fee in 2 installments, in this case, the bi-monthly course fee should be completed before the start of the new month. It is not possible to postpone the payment. Overdue payments are not acceptable. Payments are to be made by bank transfer.

In case of an injury or operation, it is possible to temporarily freeze your membership up to a period of up to 60 days. Freezing your membership should be requested by you by e-mail and a start and end date must be provided. Freezing your membership is only possible when you have at least four classes (1 month) left on your membership. Freezing your membership is not retroactive. In case your recovery takes longer than the period of 60 days, as stated in these terms and conditions, it is possible to cancel your membership and resume your classes once you are fully recovered.

If the course fee is not paid on time or is not compliant with these terms and conditions the studio has the right to outsource your outstanding payment to a collection agency. The costs the collection agency charges will be added up to your outstanding bill.
Although extreme care is taken into account when giving the yoga lessons, Yoga Beek does not hold itself liable for material and/or injury damage.

Yoga Beek
Elisabeth Dols - De Rooij
Bourgognestraat 18,  6191 HZ  Beek
Phone: 06 12781246

© Yoga Beek, 2019~2025  ●  Website: Ephlam Design  ●  Foto Erie ten Doesschate

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